Shard members are responsible for the ongoing care, growth, and activities of their chains. Each member as individuals and shards as collectives are expected to adhere to the following guidelines to ensure success through the lifetime of their chain, or, until the time that the chain is assigned to other owners.
All shards are expected to maintain a Minimum Viable Network (MVN) once achieved. A consistent MVN is an indicator that the Launch phase is ending and Maintenance should begin. An MVN is defined by Pocket Network as:
If a network falls below these thresholds, the DevOps shard member will be expected to re-bootstrap the initial 50 nodes until MVN is re-achieved and stabilized.
Generally an MVN is achieved within 3 months of launch. Pocket Network understands that growth can be variable across chains but will be aiming to sunset the launch phase and move into maintenance around the 3 month mark. Shards that are struggling to reach these milestones should connect directly with the Pocket Network Program Manager (@Jessica Daugherty) to discuss strategies.
Stagnant growth or “chain squatting” will not be tolerated. Reasonable efforts are expected to be made, particularly by the Marketing and Business Development members, to reach and maintain the current maximum relay reward cap of 50mn daily relays per shard.
Reasonable efforts include:
If growth opportunities are exhausted and cannot be maintained, shard members risk being replaced.